Recently, I appeared on Security Dilemma, a podcast of the John Quincy Adams Society, to discuss the foreign policy views of the Old Right and the parallels to today’s foreign policy dissent on the Right. Give it a listen.
New Book Review: Did It Happen Here?: Perspectives on Fascism and America
Reason was kind enough to allow me to review Did It Happen Here?: Perspectives on Fascism and America, an essay anthology edited by Wesleyan historian Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins. Check it out:
Leftists Debate Whether America Is Fascist in ‘Did It Happen Here?’ (
New Book Review: Jacob Heilbrunn’s America Last
The Libertarian Institute published my latest book review critique of Jacob Heilbrunn’s America Last. Beyond its stated goal, which was at best a mixed bag, Heilbrunn’s tome also attempts to rehabilitate a painfully orthodox interpretation of American foreign policy and its liberal internationalist underpinnings. Much like David Frum’s recent attempt to “uncancel” Woodrow Wilson, Heilbrunn’s book attempts to breathe new life into a beleaguered liberal consensus by offering an often ahistoric and blinkered view of the past.
History Last, Polemics First: A Critical Review of Jacob Heilbrunn’s ‘America Last’ | The Libertarian Institute